Sarooma room acoustics software enables targeted acoustics design in 15 languages for 12 different national standards. It is an easy-to-use, user friendly Room Acoustics Calculator available for websites (Web App), for tablets and smartphones (Mobile App) or as classic desktop software for Windows (Windows App). It allows the calculation of reverberation times in octave bands from 125 Hz to 4 kHz and level reduction according to the Sabine Diffuse Field Theory. The software is based on a cutting-edge database that contains more than 3400 models of sound-absorbing products from many well-known manufacturers. While the Web App and Mobile App are tailored towards manufacturers and contain their brand’s products only, the Windows App is made for the professional planner and allows access to all available absorber products (Public Data). It even allows the user to enter further absorber product data (Private Data).
Web App
The Web App can be integrated into websites of manufacturers of room acoustic products. Visitors of those websites will be able to make a room acoustical design based on the absorbers of the manufacturer. The results of such a design can be compiled to a PDF document.
Mobile app for tablets, smartphones
The Mobile App for tablets and smartphones is the ideal tool for technical sales and distribution partners. Individual rooms can be combined into projects, which can be saved and edited later. The free version of the app is available in the Apple App Store and Google Play Store and can be used as a powerful marketing instrument that is well suited for manufacturers with a large product portfolio. Again, results can be exported as a PDF document and send by email.
Windows App
The Windows App meets the requirements of professional engineers with its large range of functions. It contains an up-to-date database with over 3400 variants of sound-absorbing products from many well-known manufacturers (Public Data) and can be easily supplemented by own products (Private Data). These supplemented absorbers are synced to a private cloud, allowing easy sharing with colleagues within a company. A dedicated browser area with free text search, filters and a graphical tile overview guarantees quick and assured (or easy) selection of the right product. An interface for SoundPLANnoise allows to use database entries within SoundPLAN, too.
Planning can be based on architectural input, reverberation time measurements - featuring an import functionality for Norsonic and NTi devices - or a combination thereof. Several rooms can be planned in a project.
The results can be exported to a detailed Word document including product information for further individual processing into a final report. This allows easy communication with customers or further designers or craftsman. The Windows App is available in English and German.
All calculations are performed in octaves in the frequency range from 125 Hz to 4 kHz and are based on Sabine's formula for the reverberation time.
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